El entorno del niño en la cultura digital desde la perspectiva intergeneracional

  1. Beatriz Feijoo Fernández
  2. Aurora García González
Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1696-7348

Any de publicació: 2017

Número: 72

Pàgines: 9-27

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales


The current digital context has divided the houshold members between digital natives (children) and digital inmigrants (parents). Although the child domains the new media, this knowledge doesn't exceed the purely technical consciousness. They are minors and even if they were born and grew up in a digital culture, kids are completely immersed in their own training process to become in a social and critical citizen, something that is responsibility of the family. In order to overcome the difficulties that are caused by the digital gap in the parent-child relationships, this paper focusses on analyzing the perception and opinion that the children setting maintains about the digital culture and about the new technologies ́ children use, employing the Delphi scientific method. The results show that parents, teachers and other socializing agents mistrust of new technologies and a digital literacy would be effective if it walked hand in hand with an education in values.

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