La modernización de la televisión de Galicia (TVG) a través de su identidad corporativa

  1. Feijóo, Beatriz
  2. Fernández Vázquez, Jessica
COMUNI@CCIÓN: Revista de Investigación en Comunicación y Desarrollo

ISSN: 2219-7168

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Alea: 3

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 32-42

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: COMUNI@CCIÓN: Revista de Investigación en Comunicación y Desarrollo


In recent years the Galician TV, TVG, has starred in a number of changes that have marked a before and an after in his evolution as a regional channel. One of these changes was that experienced in 2006 with the complete renovation of its corporate identity in order to convey a more contemporary and fresh brand, with more than twenty years, consolidated references from Galician audience. This report aims to provide an analysis of this aesthetic change, comparing this with the current image, according to media professionals themselves, modern and in harmony. These changes reflect the content strategy than previous directors wanted to launch.