Rendimiento Académico según Distintos Niveles de Funcionalidad Ejecutiva y de Estrés Infantil Percibido
- José M. Suárez-Riveiro
- Marta Martínez-Vicente
- Carlos Valiente-Barroso
ISSN: 1135-755X
Año de publicación: 2020
Volumen: 26
Número: 1
Páginas: 77-86
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Psicología educativa
While there are multiple variables that influence learning and academic achievement, current research considers executive functions and daily stress to be essential. The general aim of this study was to examine how variables pertaining to executive functions and childhood stress relate to academic achievement, obtaining information from 649 primary school students for this purpose. Three groups (low-medium-high) were formed according to levels of executive functioning and levels of childhood stress. The results showed significant differences in academic achievement between high and medium-low groups, both in executive functions and in overall stress. We conclude with a call for programs that improve executive functioning, as well as psychoeducational interventions that promote acquisition and development of coping strategies to manage stressful situations, with the ultimate purpose of improving academic achievement.
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