Smart system for freight distribution planning.

  1. Sicilia Montalvo, Juan Antonio
  2. Escuín Finol, David
  3. Royo Agustín, Beatriz
  4. Larrodé Pellicer, Emilio
Revista DYNA

ISSN: 0012-7361 0012-7361

Any de publicació: 2013

Volum: 88

Número: 4

Pàgines: 414-423

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista DYNA


This article presents an innovative and smart decision support system for companies dedicated to the freight distribution. The computer solution allows to manage and schedule transport routes of goods based on a geographic information system that enables the calculation real of distances between two or more nodes of the network. With the growth of cities, the loading and unloading of goods is a priority function whose operation depends to a large extent, the effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented technology systems. The current operations of loading and unloading in the city is valued, in general terms, as unsustainably high costs for environmental, social and economic behavior for the whole city. That is why, today, the Intelligent Transportation Systems in urban environments Smart are experienced a remarkable boom in recent years. The system developed is an innovative and intuitive application which enables an easy learning of the functionalities and may be simply adapted to any case study defined by the user. For the resolution of the problem, the system incorporates an algorithm based on a combination of the metaheuristics, variable neighbourhood search and tabu search, taking into account the characteristics encountered in real life with the objective of reduce total costs of distribution and improve the efficiency of companies. This algorithm stems from research activities devoted to urban freight distribution during the whole professional history of researchers.