Sintomatología climatérica y calidad de vida. ¿Es tan fiero el león como lo pintan?

  1. Cristina Larroy García
  2. Amanda López Picado
  3. H. Tudela
Psicosomática y psiquiatría

ISSN: 2565-0564

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 9

Páxinas: 25-34

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Psicosomática y psiquiatría


The study explores the prevalence of climacteric symptomatology and its relationship with the quality of life in a sample of 81 women, aged 45 to 60 years. The subjects completed a sociodemographic and clinical interview, questionnaires of symptoms of the menopause (MENQOL and MRS), psychological symptomatology (HADS) and a questionnaire of quality of life for women aged 45-64 years (CVS). Results: 61.84% of the sample reported suffering climacteric symptoms, with an average length of 44.39 months (S.D. = 44.11). The most prevalent is physics (about 93% of women affected). The psychological symptoms (anxiety especially) also show a high prevalence (75-90% depending on questionnaire) and severity. There is a direct and significant relationship between symptoms and poor quality of life, being psychosocial symptomatology the variable that best predicts this. In addition, the perception of the menopause as a negative experience is widespread in the sample and contributes to explain the bad quality of life.