Marketing y publicidad inmersivael formato 360º y la realidad virtual en estrategias transmedia
- Pavel Sidorenko Bautista 1
- Luis Mauricio Calvo Rubio 1
- Juan Ignacio Cantero de Julián 1
- 1 Universidad Castilla La Mancha
ISSN: 1989-8681
Datum der Publikation: 2018
Nummer: 9
Seiten: 19-47
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Miguel Hernández Communication Journal
Since 2014 we have witnessed the resurgence of virtual reality, as well as the 360º format with immersive capacity, with two corporations with very important social digital platforms: Facebook and Google. Within Mobile First / Mobile Only as a new communication paradigm, several areas have benefited from the immersive format, with the intention of giving a new dimension to the message. In this sense, advertising and marketing have begun to exploit it with the intention of generating a different relationship between the consumer and the brand, through the empathic nexus generated by a good storytelling structure, backbone of the new narrative in question. Starting from those that are considered as the four pioneering advertising products in the application of virtual reality and the immersive format in Spain, an analysis is presented where they are compared based on what, according to the bibliographic review on the subject, should be the four criteria necessary for content of these characteristics to be considered as part of a transmedia campaign.
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