Narraciones transmedia de no ficción. El caso de "Kony 2012"

  1. García González, Sergio
Dirigée par:
  1. M. Pilar Lacasa Díaz Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 16 février 2015

  1. Manuel Pérez Jiménez President
  2. Rut Martínez Borda Secrétaire
  3. Patricia Núñez Gómez Rapporteur
  4. Fernando Rueda Rieu Rapporteur
  5. Francisco García García Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


Transmedia storytelling (narratives that build a story with multiple discourses distributed across various media and platforms) is a phenomenon characteristic of fiction and widely studied in this area. This thesis approach the transmedia from nonfiction and multiple and uncoordinated authorship in the case study Kony 2012. First, the transmedia narratives will be analyzed as communicative products characteristics of our mediascape, marked by media convergence and liquid content. In the first part, we propose a theoretical insight into the media with which to understand the full extent of the importance of transmedia storytelling. In the second part of the thesis we will study what happened with Kony 2012, a campaign of the American NGO Invisible Children. In early March 2012, tens of millions of people watched that video and the campaign occupied a considerable space in journalistic media worldwide. We will analyze why a thirty minutes video was seen by tens of millions of people, why millions of people shared it and discussed about it, and why many did remixes and developed new content from it? Furthermore, we will study the content generated around the campaign Kony 2012. Specially, we will attend the news media because they assumed the function of drillability, which complete the function of spreadability achieved by the extraordinary propagation of Invisible Children’s video.