El cristianismo en la obra de Alasdair Macintyrefe, comunidad y tradición

Dirigida per:
  1. Francisco Javier de la Torre Díaz Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 14 de de juny de 2013

  1. Nuria Martínez-Gayol Fernández President/a
  2. José Manuel Aparicio Malo Secretari/ària
  3. Francisco Javier de la Torre Díaz Vocal
  4. David Lorenzo Izquierdo Vocal
  5. Rafael Ramis Barceló Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 348402 DIALNET


Christianity in the work of Alasdair MacIntyre: Faith, community and tradition This thesis aims to study neatly Alasdair MacIntyre's writings on Christianity. We propose a route from the fifties until 2006. The proliferation of work on MacIntyre in various areas is an undeniable fact, however, there are few studies on MacIntyre's contribution to moral theology. This lack is what we intend to address in this thesis. MacIntyre is quoted at length by theologians, especially when developing social analysis or talk about the recovery of virtue. However, have not been studied thoroughly systematic reflections on Christianity, which constitutes one of the pillars of his philosophy. The layout and structure of the thesis reflects a speech organized into two main parts and the conclusions of each chapter are designed from a fruitful dialogue with moral theology. In short, the thesis shows the materials for reconstruction and for discussion of MacIntyre's ideas about their concept of Christianity: From Christianity an ideology, a philosophy of religion and as a sociological phenomenon to the conception of Christianity as a tradition seated in one faith, in a community and in a virtue.