El efecto de la innovación en el resultado empresarial durante la recesión económicauna aplicación a la industria de la automoción
- Francisco M. Somohano Rodríguez 1
- José Manuel López Fernández 1
- Francisco Javier Martínez García 1
Universidad de Cantabria
ISSN: 1138-4891
Ano de publicación: 2018
Volume: 21
Número: 1
Páxinas: 91-105
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista de contabilidad = Spanish accounting review: [RC-SAR]
The aim of this research is to go in-depth on the effect of competitiveness on innovation and the results.We have applied the analysis in an area characterized by the technological intensity of the productionchains: the manufacturers of components of the Spanish automotive industry. We have used data from the2008 economic downturn period to reduce the impact of the innovation performance lag. The sampleincluded a total of 920 companies (81% SMEs and 19% large companies). In the context of the 2008economic downturn, it is found that companies that are less innovative experience worse results and,more important, that there is a threshold of innovation from which marginal productivity is decreasing.From the theoretical approaches used and in our opinion, it marks the boundary between the Structure-Conduct-Outcome paradigm and the Resource-Capacity-Based Approach.
Información de financiamento
Esta investigación ha sido realizada en el marco de la Cátedra Pyme de la Universidad de Cantabria con el patrocinio del Banco Santander.Financiadores
- Universidad de Cantabria Spain
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