Estrategias discursivas de interacción en el aula. Construcción de textos expositivos y narrativos en grupos colaborativos

  1. Izquierdo-Magaldi, Belén
Dirixida por:
  1. M. Pilar Lacasa Díaz Director
  2. Héctor del Castillo Fernández Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 08 de setembro de 2011

  1. José Luis Linaza Iglesias Presidente/a
  2. Alejandro Iborra Cuéllar Secretario/a
  3. Milagros Gárate Larrea Vogal
  4. Rut Martínez Borda Vogal

Tipo: Tese


In the educational field we consider educational interaction and processes of historical and cultural contextual knowledge construction, as inseparable elements in the practices of written composition within the school context that use writing as a tool of learning and communication. Research on conversation in the classroom provides keys of the oral speech in teaching and learning situations, in which writing is understood as an activity of specific communication. With regard to the processes of written composition, we join the studies dedicated to writing as a process of problems’ resolution and those which understand it as a process of social nature that helps to interpret the world. Our purpose has been exploring the discursive strategies of interaction in the classroom when teachers and students produce documents together. The task chosen is part of curriculum daily school activities known as writing workshops, in which students are educated in the planning and production of written texts. In the writing workshop, the teacher and the 14 years old students are involved in tasks of written composition, while being observed by a participant researcher in a public school in the city of Cordoba. The recording of the workshop activity including instruments such us video and audio have allowed capturing the real, interactive and temporal dimensions to analyze the data objectively, attending to the narrative speech from which we interpret the data, and completing that information analyzing the data by categories from the tradition of the analytical thought. The software device used, the Nudist Vivo, has been a crucial resource when integrating the narrative data digitalized with the quantitative data of frequencies and percentages result of category analysis. In a narrative and analytical way it is shown how participants play different roles within their relationships, depending on the process and the content of the educational activity, in which it is worked with a common goal. Within the analysis of the workshop general communicative context and its specification in the diverse work situations, in the presence or not of the teacher, we discover how the highest percentages of strategies used coincide in the process of producing expositive and narrative texts. It is about discursive strategies aimed at the reflection and generalization of meanings, followed by organizational strategies of the social interaction and of the own task. The rest of strategies are meant to support the educative dialogue. Within the composition of expositive and narrative texts, textual planning has helped to make the students aware of the textual structure of the texts used and to build together an original version of the literary genres discussed through expert models. We insist on the need that teachers make explicit the contents, meaning and purpose of the activity, along with the audience the written message is aimed at. In this way, we can have the opportunity to reflect and contrast in the group of equals possible doubts or difficulties, and so facilitate the production of documents. Due to our innovative experience we have tried to offer alternatives that gradually incorporate practices at school which consider something else than curriculum contents established, that can extend from a basic reading and writing literacy to new ways of literacies in consonance with the real socio-educational context of the students.