Modelos de negocio, innovación abierta y desarrollo de ciudades inteligentes

  1. Díaz Díaz, Raimundo
Supervised by:
  1. Daniel Pérez González Director
  2. Luis Muñoz Gutiérrez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 21 July 2017

  1. José Luis Melús Moreno Chair
  2. María Elena García Ruiz Secretary
  3. Karla Renata Mendes Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 491673 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Governments, businesses and the research community are increasingly interested in smart cities and in how technology can contribute to improving its citizens’ quality of life. Smart city initiatives face several difficulties which, because of its novelty, have few experiences to take account of. Among the challenges highlighted is the convenience of involving the whole smart urban ecosystem in public management and the need of implementing the most appropriate business models for each project. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to study smart cities from three perspectives: an overview of the impact of relying on information and communication technologies (ICT) to support urban public services; citizen participation through open innovation digital tools; and the most common business models in real smart city projects and how to choose the most suitable model for each city. With this goal, the progress of the main Spanish cities has been analyzed, emphasizing the case of Santander as it is an international reference.