Evolución del conocimiento y consumo de podcasts en España e Iberoamérica

  1. Blanco Hernández, María
  2. José López Rivero, Alfonso
  3. Rodero Antón, Emma
  4. Corredera de Colsa, Luis Enrique

ISSN: 1138-3305 2340-5007

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: Ràdio i continguts sonors. Del mitjà analògic tradicional a la recerca de nous models de negoci de l'àudio digital

Issue: 33

Pages: 53-72

Type: Article

More publications in: Trípodos


The emergence of new media associated with the Internet has meant a change in the phenomenon of communication, both in terms of the media itself and with regard to content, which has resulted in a range of formats through which the user can receive and exchange information, with the possibility of being the creator of this content. Since the advent of podcasts, research has found data regarding an increase in its creation, but has also shown that their use has not grown as expected, while at the same time not providing data on Spanish-speaking countries. In order to discover the evolution of knowledge and use of these files in these countries, there have been two field investigations in 2008 and 2011, which have allowed us to analyze these factors globally in each of the countries of study, as well as their evolution over time.

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