La expresión de la ironía en la conversación. Estudio fonopragmático en un corpus de habla semiespontánea

  1. Martínez Hernández, Diana
Dirigée par:
  1. Antonio Hidalgo Navarro Directeur/trice
  2. María Jesús Machuca Ayuso Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 01 mars 2019

  1. Francisco José Cantero Serena President
  2. Adrián Cabedo Nebot Secrétaire
  3. Iolanda Alfano Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


ABSTRACT The title of this thesis of the account of the field of action in which this research is inserted, the linguistic branch of the Phonopragmatic. More specifically, this thesis work focuses on the analysis and study of acoustic-melody indicators of verbal irony in spontaneous conversation, and in context, mainly. In this sense, the lack of works devoted to the study of phonic diversity as a trigger for pragmatic-ironic functions to development, has forced us to follow the analytical description of tone of voice to tone as part of the complex metarepresentational interpretative process (Haverkate, 1985; Alba-Juez, 1995; Attardo, 2003; Bryant and Fox Tree, 2005; Alvarado, 2006; Ruiz Gurillo, 2009, 2010; Padilla, 2010; Becerra Valderrama, 2011b, 2012). Under this motivation, our research proposal starts from the so-called interactionist analysis, integrated into the American Conversational analysis, the Communication Ethnography of Gumperz and the Interactional Sociolinguistics of Goffman. Although interactionist analyzes are integrated into a field that has not yet been used for the study of irony, some works have been developed and focused on the factors of interpersonal relationships and the various psychosocial aspects present in conversational progress (Jorgensen, 1996; Clift, 1999; Anolli et al., 2001; Gibbs and Colston, 2001; Giora and Gur, 2003; Kotthof, 2003; Eisterhold et al., 2006; Group GRIALE ). The purely interactionist analysis, based on real examples, supported, as well as, complex inferential processes, to a certain extent, due to the multiplicity of social and contextual experiences that are discovered through the use of a language in interaction. Following this perspective of a psychologist, we have tried to provide an objective explanation of irony in interaction, seen as a phenomenon with multiple concrete pragmatic-ironic functions that rely on indicators and linguistic, kinesthetic, paralinguistic and acoustic-melodic marks, capable of guiding the correct inferential interpretation of the ironic meaning. In addition, an adequate experimental methodology has been established, considering the advantages and methodological shortcomings that halt the development of pragmatic investigations of an intonative nature. And, finally, an empirical work has been developed that has involved the collection of a corpus based on television series and radio talk shows, which has been evaluated in discriminatory perception tests, and analyzed formally and acoustically with the purpose of objectively defining the intonation of irony.