La imagen y empoderamiento de la mujer en el sector turístico

  1. Almudena Barrientos-Báez 1
  2. Eduardo Parra-López 1
  3. José Alberto Martínez-González 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna (España)
aDResearch: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Comunicación

ISSN: 1889-7304

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Monográfico Especial, Mujer y Comunicación

Issue: 22

Pages: 164-175

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7263/ADRESIC-022-09 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: aDResearch: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Comunicación

Sustainable development goals


Main topic / subject: The tourism sector in both the public and private spheres is a key partner in the efforts to promote gender equality and empower women. Many times it is the personal identity itself that is affected by the lack of rights and opportunities that detract from women´s autonomy and that is evident in most cultures, necessarily establishing actions to eradicate this circumstance. Logical development of the subject: This article raises the relationship between the tourism industry and the level of professional achievement achieved by women in their work, through a thorough literature review on the interaction between corporate governance, gender equality and business results in the global tourism industry. Author´s point of view and contributions: The data on the application of policies that affect gender diversity obtained through different websites, are highly disparate and heterogeneous, which shows a somewhat disappointing situation framing it in the 21st century where it implies that gender equity and equality should be reflected in all areas of the personal and professional life of the human being. Implications and conclusions: Educational implications are contemplated on the real professional situation that women experience today, emotions, and their practical application in the teaching-learning process aimed at the development and optimization of the vision that must be had regarding its situation in the corporate sector. We believe that in the present situation, measures should be implemented to achieve effective and real equality between women and men with the aim of achieving improvements in our society.

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