Francisco Suárez, lector de metafísica [gamma] y [lambda]posibilidad y límite de la aplicación de la tesis Onto-teológica a las disputaciones metafísicas

  1. Poncela González, Ángel
Supervised by:
  1. Cirilo Flórez Miguel Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 08 November 2008

  1. Pablo García Castillo Chair
  2. José Luis Fuertes Herreros Secretary
  3. Constantino Esposito Committee member
  4. Manuel Lázaro Pulido Committee member
  5. María Idoya Zorroza Huarte Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aporetical character of metaphysics, deliberately imposed by Aristotle as proper method of to philosophize, I know it toughened from the medievo on having tried to apply hiscontent to the justification of a man and of a reality created by the god of the christianity. Located in the history of the recpeción of the metaphysics, we centre on the reading realized by the theologian and spanish philosopher Francisco Suárez on his “Disputaciones metafísicas”, published in Salamanca on the year 1597. The historians have read, both the metaphysics and the commentaries to this one, give diverse well ways. we have chosen as organizational, both bibliographical and thematic scheme, the onto-theological interpretation of the metaphysics proposed by Heidegger. From this one, we reduce the problematic core of the metaphysics in a series of books, and in the same way, and helped by the index of reading of the metaphysics that Suárez attaches to his work, locate his response to the contents of that one, not new at all thesis: the object of the metaphysics, its one way of access and preaching in search of a rational explanation of the reality compatible with the revelación. Several of external and internal factors explain the motive, the method and the structure of the Disputationes Metaphysicae.: there was a project of restitution of the scientific dignity of the metaphysics, alienated by the logicism and the incipient emprisim a company this one, which answers to the complex ideological situation of his time and to the desires of the Company of Jesus gives to that the author belonged. For it, he understood the"12" books of the Metaphysics, give modern way, as a warehouse of problems (or dispute), intruments and ideas, capable of there being applied on the "created" reality, which drove him to propose a vision neutralized of the same one, asumible for all the men with independence of his creed. Here there resides the virtue of his reading and to the time his danger. the division of the original work in two volumes, he hides a division of the metaphysics in natural theology (transcendental science) and usiological sciencie. The possibilities of the first member, they justify the existence of the metaphysics, on having offered a metaphysical analysis of the reality, which rests in the univocity of the concept of ens commune and in the intrinsic preaching of the "ens reale ", towards the first creative beginning. The comprehension of the objective-subjective of a suarezians a priori (objective concept), its rests the key of his interpretation of the metaphysics and of the philosophical transcendental synthesis that he donates to the modernity.