Análisis de las variables pedagógicas en las tareas diseñadas para el balonmano en función del género de los docentes

  1. Mª de Gracia Gamero Portillo
  2. Juan Manuel García Ceberino
  3. Sergio González Espinosa
  4. María Reina Román
  5. Antonio Antúnez Medina
Journal: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte

ISSN: 1885-7019

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 13

Issue: 3

Pages: 217-224

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte


The study of the planning of tasks has become one of the main lines of investigation within the field of Sports Pedagogy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze, according to the gender of pre-service teachers, the use they make of the pedagogical variables used in the planning of didactic units of handball at school age. 926 tasks have been coded by 18 pre-service teachers through the SIATE. We analyzed the pedagogical variables that classify this system: situation of game, presence of the goalkeeper, phase of game, type of content, mean of teaching and level of opposition. A descriptive and inferential analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test, Cramer’s V and Residuals Adjusted Standardized. The results showed statistically significant differences between genders in the situation of game (x2= 56.903; p=.006; Vc=.248) and mean of teaching (x2= 27.374; p=.000; Vc=.172) variables. Therefore, there are differences regarding gender in the planning of handball didactic units.

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