La creatividad y la inteligencia emocional en adolescentes. Propuesta de enseñanza de la materia ética

  1. Rico Polo, Dolly Johanna
  2. López Fernández, Verónica
  3. Ezquerro Cordón, Armando
  4. Llamas Salguero, Fátima
Ulu: Revista científica sobre la imaginación

ISSN: 2445-0677

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 23-27

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ulu: Revista científica sobre la imaginación


The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the relationship between the variable of creativity and the emotional intelligence on a study of 59 twelve-year-old students, in the sixth grade, at a center in the Department of Córdoba, Colombia. In order to propose a neuropsychological intervention program from the teaching of ethics by means of creative activities that promotes the development of emotional intelligence. The applied questionnaires were: Multiple Intelligence Questionnaires of Armstrong, and the Creativity Questionnaire of Turtle. Given as a result the existence of a positive medium correlation and statistical significance between the variables of creativity and emotional intelligence, to analyze the correlation, Pearson’s statics were used. A creative intervention program is proposed for the teaching of emotional ethics keeping in mind the positive correlation of the variables; the program has the creative activities in the teachings of ethics. The proposed neuropsychological intervention program will last three months.