The boom and the establishment of “blogs” in online regional press in Spain

  1. María Victoria Carrillo Durán
  2. Ana Castillo Díaz
  3. Concepción María Jiménez Fernández
Observatorio (OBS*)

ISSN: 1646-5954

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 6

Issue: 4

Pages: 145-168

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7458/OBS642012614 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Observatorio (OBS*)


This article presents a comparative study about the evolution of the use of blogs in Spanish regional press to analyse if the performance of blogs has changed significantly on the basis of the content and the level of updating in recent years. A first analysis was conducted in 2006 when the boom of this phenomenon. Following a new analysis in 2009, this work carries out a comparison of the evolution of the same performance parameters in both years. It can be stated that no clear evolution patterns exist, that the number of blogs has no relation with the updating of these in either of the periods (the beginning period or the establishment period) and that the main difference detected is that in 2006 more attention was paid to the personal contents that provided blogs with the indisputable character of a tool for personal expression, while in 2009 bloggers appeared to be more interested in what is local and current.

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