Aprender a enseñar geometría en Primaria. Una experiencia en formacion inicial de maestros

  1. Blanco Nieto, Lorenzo J.
  2. Cárdenas Lizarazo, Janeth Amparo
  3. Gómez del Amo, Rosa
  4. Caballero Carrasco, Ana

Verlag: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Extremadura

ISBN: 978-84-606-9500-4

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Art: Buch


We present a methodological proposal based on the experience developed over some years, in a classroom of initial training of teachers. In the first part, we describe and analyze the proposed activities, with observations on the process of teacher-student interaction for teachers and students, and with thoughts that arise in the classroom, as a basis for the activity. This justifies the colloquial language as it reflects the work of the classroom. We have considered two contents: Classification of quadrilaterals and the axial symmetry, own of school mathematics, to illustrate a methodological sequence that could be developed in a similar way in the primary classroom. In this way, we set up a certain parallelism between the education received by the students for teachers (EM) and later we want to develop in the centers of compulsory education. The reflections on the teaching and learning (E/A) of the school geometry and theoretical contributions that are made enables the generation of a metaconocimiento on the teaching of mathematics and that the EM provide meaning to the activities developed.