Competencia emocional y percepción de toma de decisiones en jugadores de voleibol

  1. García Coll, María Virginia
  2. Ruiz Pérez, Luis Miguel
  3. García Coll, Carolina
Athlos: Revista internacional de ciencias sociales de la actividad física, el juego y el deporte

ISSN: 2253-6604

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 6

Pages: 9-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Athlos: Revista internacional de ciencias sociales de la actividad física, el juego y el deporte


The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between perceived decision and emotional competence among volleyball players of different level of expertise. It was applied the Decision Making Style Questionnaire (CETD) (Ruiz, Graupera y Sánchez, 2000) to assess the perceived dimension of decision making in sport and the Emotional Competence in Sport Scale (ECE-D) (Arruza, Arribas, González, Balagué, Romero y Ruiz, 2005). One hundred and twenty two volleyball players (76 female and 46 male) of state, national and international level participated in this study. Results showed significant differences among levels of expertise in the decisional making and emotional competence. There were no differences in relation to gender. There were relationships between questionnaires. Decisional perceived competence was related with emotional recognition (r=.311) and the last one with anxiety (r=.-405). It was concluded that a good emotional recognition facilitated a good perceived competence to make decisions if anxiety is under control.