Hacia la sostenibilidad de los parques nacionalesanálisis de su gestión y modelo de gobernanza

  1. Esteban Pérez Calderón Zuzendaria
  2. Patricia Milanés Montero Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 12

  1. José Luis Sánchez Ollero Presidentea
  2. José Mondéjar Jiménez Idazkaria
  3. Juan Ignacio Pulido Fernández Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The declaration of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 marked the beginning of a protectionist era of natural spaces which it was spread throughout the world. Spain wasn't disregarded to this current of protection This protectionist spirit, also led to the emergence of numerous figures for the protection of protected areas, both, nationally and internationally or, as it has happened in Spain, with regional figures. In Spain, the growth rates of visitors to national parks in particular, have been much higher than in the rest of the sector. The Spanish natural spaces are not unrelated to the lack of resources for their management, so if you want the Spanish National Parks to be first-class tourist destinations, you will first have to analyze their weakness. In this study, a Delphi analysis has been carried out on the shortcomings of the Spanish National Parks in relation to the different areas of their tourism management in order to analyze what needs to be modified in order to obtain from them a position as a top tourist destination. We has also been analyzed whether, in the opinion of the experts, national parks comply with the principles of good governance as a key element of the Sustainability of tourist destinations. The results show us the need to make profound changes in the management of National Parks if we really want to become important tourist claims that help the development of neighboring territories and the maintenance of protected areas.