Análisis de parámetros de maduración ósea en población con patología del crecimientoestudio de radiología digital de mano y carpo

  1. Grijalba Mazo, Marta
Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Prieto Carrero Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2016

  1. Bernardo Perea Pérez Chair
  2. Andrés Santiago Sáez Secretary
  3. Luis Ríos Frutos Committee member
  4. Juan Carlos Prados Frutos Committee member
  5. Luis Juan Segura Abad Committee member

Type: Thesis


The arrival of non-EU immigrants to the territory of the European Union, implies the presence of many unaccompanied minors by adults (MENAS), therefore the authorities must take appropriate legal actions to verify their status as minors. In cases where there is not a document that conclusively proves their chronological age, it is widespread to request a medical examination to estimate that age and to make informed decisions about the custody of said minors. In Spain, the recommendations on methods of forensic estimation of the age of unaccompanied minors are included in a consensus document of best practices between the Institutes of Legal Medicine (2010), which included among the recommended diagnostic means directed anamnesis. The general physical examination, radiographic study of the left hand and carpal, examination of the oral cavity and dental radiographic study and in doubtful cases with previous studies in which age estimates are requested between 18 and 21 years: radiographic or TC (thin multi-slice method) of the proximal end of the clavicle study. But the results of such estimations of chronological age parameters obtained by the analysis of biological age are never exact, but merely probabilistic estimates of the chronological age: there is a margin of error due to numerous factors, including pathological ones. In the best case, this probabilistic approach can be a method applicable when you have population studies of reference acceptable, you can know the probability of success or error of the estimate, but you can never give an estimate of the age with absolute certainty. The age estimation methods available are usually applied to "healthy" population, having the appropriate standards of living...