Factores externos e internos en la definición de estrategias globales para aseguradoras
- Mª Isabel Martínez Torre-Enciso 1
- Rafael Hernández Barros 2
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 0006-6249
Ano de publicación: 2019
Título do exemplar: El futuro del negocio asegurador
Volume: 74
Número: 226
Páxinas: 101-113
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Boletín de estudios económicos
The article shows how multinational insurance companies compete in the complex and risky global scenario after the financial crisis, providing a conceptual model that links key “drivers” with international strategies. The existing literature justifies the different international strategies on external factors of value creation, factors somewhat removed from the reality of the decision-making processes. It is therefore especially important to define the strategies that will mark the change, and with it the “drivers” that will allow the transformation of these strategies. This article provides ideas and developments regarding the traditional conception of formulating the strategy based on external “drivers”, suggesting the possibility of a strategy based on more specific business “drivers” related to the internal or operational aspects of insurers, with the specific objective of generating cash flows and creating wealth for shareholders
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