Estrategias narrativas de los documentales históricos españoles sobre la guerra civil(2000-2014)

  1. Gómez Segarra, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. María Antonia Paz Rebollo Director
  2. Julio Montero Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 17 September 2018

  1. Francisco García García Chair
  2. José A. Ruiz San Román Secretary
  3. José Cabeza San Deogracias Committee member
  4. Jesús Díaz del Campo Lozano Committee member
  5. Carmen Marta Lazo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 148229 DIALNET


The debate on the possibility of presenting History in an audio-visual format has been around for years now. Here, we will raise the possibilities that the non-fiction format provides to the historical narrative. Indeed, documentaries are considered highly credible by the public. Audiences tend to think documentaries are based on facts, rather than on fictional resources. These days, this consideration joins the great creativity that lies within, and that exist in, the realization of documentaries. But we must go beyond the conventions of the genre to find out which resources would be available for the documentary and how these would be used to speak about History. For that, this study analyses 36 documentaries produced in Spain on the Spanish Civil War in the 21st Century, and more particularly between the years 2000 and 2014.The starting hypothesis would be that History could be told through images. Although creativity is the core feature of these productions, there is a series of common elements that ultimately define the genre and, at the same time, enable a quality historical disclosure. Synthesis. Since documentaries are studied as constructed narrations, it seems vital to analyse how each documentary is told – this is what it has been commonly called“narrative strategy”. To this effect, sequences of each documentary are broken down. Accessory to this study is the special importance that have been traditionally given to the different ways conclusions are started, presented and closed in documentaries...