Datos de investigación
Investigador/a: Patricia Wanderley Ferreira Lopes
6 datos de investigación referenciados
Datos de investigación referenciados por Patricia Wanderley Ferreira Lopes.
Database of the artistic transfer in the building factory in the ancient kingdom of Seville in the transition to the Modern Age [Dataset]
Database of the artistic transfer in the building factory in the ancient kingdom of Seville in the transition to the Modern Age [Dataset]
Spatial database of the repertory of all the roads in Spain in the year of grace of 1543 by Juan Villuga [shapefile]
Spatial database of the repertory of all the roads in Spain in the year of grace of 1543 by Juan Villuga [shapefile]
Spatial database of the towns of the repertoire of all the roads of Spain in the year of grace of 1543 by Juan Villuga [shapefile]
Spatial database of the towns of the repertoire of all the roads of Spain in the year of grace of 1543 by Juan Villuga [shapefile]