Kongressbeiträge (15) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. Analysis of Knowledge Management in the Context of Projects in Colombia: Subject Area: (Knowledge Management and Project Management)

    Communications in Computer and Information Science

  2. Analysis of WEB Browsers of HSTS Security Under the MITM Management Environment

    Communications in Computer and Information Science

  3. Audiovisual Feedback for online design projects

    INTED2021 Proceedings

  4. Ball comparison between frozen Potra and Schmidt–Schwetlick schemes with dynamical analysis

    Computational and Mathematical Methods

  5. Blockchain for supply chain performance and logistics management

    Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

  6. CreaMe: Human augmentation platform for the creation of training in educational lakes inherent to dangerous situations

    IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON

  7. Design and application of virtual escape room for online learning of advanced mathematics at University

    Avances en educación superior e investigación: Volumen I

  8. Different approximations of the parameter for low-order iterative methods with memory

    Proceedings of the XXVI Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones, XVI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada: Gijón (Asturias), Spain, June 14-18, 2021

  9. Hierarchical Clustering to Identify Emotional Human Behavior in Online Classes: The Teacher’s Point of View

    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

  10. Los discursos del odio y los estereotipos en la cobertura periodística de la covid-19:: Análisis de contenido de los códigos éticos

    Comunicando lo esencial en la esfera pública: La ética y la Deontología como garantía de la función social de los Media y sus profesionales


    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  12. Planificación y gestión de proyectos de plantas fotovoltaicas aplicando inteligencia artificial

    Comunicaciones presentadas al XXV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: celebrado en Alcoy del 6 al 9 de julio de 2021

  13. SwiftFace: Real-Time Face Detection: SwitFace

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

  14. Women in science and technology studies. A study about the influence of parents on their children's choice of speciality. And about the trend of the different specialities in Spanish students

    IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON

  15. Ética de las Relaciones Públicas y Covid-19. En busca de un nuevo marco normativo

    Comunicando lo esencial en la esfera pública: La ética y la Deontología como garantía de la función social de los Media y sus profesionales