Argitalpenak (19) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. COVID-19 mortality amongst the immunosuppresed

    Journal of Infection

  2. Current Challenges for Conscientious Objection by Physicians in Spain

    Linacre Quarterly

  3. Editorial: Advances and new perspectives in higher education quality

    Frontiers in Psychology

  4. Editorial: Reviews in psychiatry 2023: schizophrenia

    Frontiers in Psychiatry

  5. Inappropriate Hospitalization: Measurement approaches

    Medicina Clinica

  6. Milk Ladder for Reintroduction of Cow’s Milk in Infants With IgE-Mediated Cow’s Milk Allergy: Version Adapted to the Spanish Population

    Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology

  7. Myelofibrosis associated with immune cytopenia in an infant: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

    Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

  8. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Transoral Robotic Surgery for Oropharynx Cancer and Quality of Life

    JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

  9. Obelisks – Newly discovered virus-like particles

    AIDS Reviews

  10. Oral antivirals for acute symptoms and post-acute sequelae in SARS-CoV-2 infection

    The Lancet Infectious Diseases

  11. Pornography Consumption As A Form Of Exploitation And Digital Prostitution Of Women And Girls: A Human Rights Issue

    UN chronicle

  12. Positive psychology and palliative care: A call for an integrative approach

    Palliative and Supportive Care

  13. Preventing, controlling and managing infectious diseases: ISO 45006:2023

    Journal of Healthcare Quality Research

  14. Retraction Note: Qualitative analysis on the driving force behind upcycling practices associated with mobile applications: Circular economy perspective (Operations Management Research, (2022), 15, 3-4, (647-661), 10.1007/s12063-022-00269-5)

    Operations Management Research

  15. Screening for HTLV-1 infection should be expanded in Europe

    International Journal of Infectious Diseases

  16. Tako-tsubo syndrome in patients with ANCA vasculitis

    Medicina Clinica

  17. The new face of advanced HIV infection

    AIDS Reviews

  18. The origin of the four major focus of HTLV-1 in Latin America

    AIDS Reviews

  19. The role of Streptomyces to achieve the United Nations sustainable development goals. Burning questions in searching for new compounds

    Microbial Biotechnology