Publikationen (25) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. Are healthcare organizations ready for change?: Comment on “development and content validation of a transcultural instrument to assess organizational readiness for knowledge translation in healthcare organizations: The OR4KT”

    International Journal of Health Policy and Management

  2. Biosafety devices and training to prevent accidental biological exposures in hospitals

    Gaceta Sanitaria

  3. Clinical medicine workshops: An innovative approach to promote cross-discipline clinical skills in the medical degree

    Educacion Medica

  4. Corrigendum: Validation of the Spanish version of the yale food addiction scale 2.0 (YFAS 2.0) and clinical correlates in a sample of eating disorder, gambling disorder and healthy control participants [Front. Psychiatry, 9, (2018), (208)] doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00208

    Frontiers in Psychiatry

  5. Effects of mild cognitive impairment on the event-related brain potential components elicited in executive control tasks

    Frontiers in Psychology

  6. Erratum: Internet gaming disorder and online gambling disorder: Clinical and personality correlates (Journal of Behavioral Addictions (2017) 6: 4 (669-677) DOI: 10.1556/2006.6.2017.078)

    Journal of Behavioral Addictions

  7. Glioblastoma, 47XXY/45,X mosaicism, and hyperpigmented skin lesions

    Pediatric Blood and Cancer

  8. Health and safety management system to improve the self-protection plans in intensive care units

    Medicina Intensiva

  9. Hepatitis Delta Enters a New Therapeutic Era

    Journal of Infectious Diseases

  10. Hepatitis E virus, the uninvited intruder in western kitchens

    AIDS Reviews

  11. Hepatitis delta could be more frequent than previously thought

    AIDS Reviews

  12. Hot News: Dr. Robert Redfield Appointed as New CDC Director

    AIDS reviews

  13. Hot News: HTLV-1 Infection Still A Neglected Disease

    AIDS reviews

  14. Imagen en Pediatría Clínica. Haz tu diagnóstico: Lesiones perianales en lactante

    Pediatria Integral

  15. Impact of the burden of hospitalisation for pneumonia

    Revista Clinica Espanola

  16. Letter to the Editor regarding “Robotic or non-robotic transoral laryngectomy”

    Head and Neck

  17. Longer life expectancy but still accelerating aging in HIV patients under antiretroviral therapy

    AIDS Reviews

  18. Neurocysticercosis: An unusual seizure etiology in a hematopoietic stem cell transplanted patient

    Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

  19. Prevention of liver cancer with new curative hepatitis C antivirals: Real-world challenges


  20. Revisión narrativa sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en personas con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

    Medicina Paliativa